Por un tiempo habia olvidado escribir aqui, pero por un tiempo, he estado olvidado cosas buenas que me han pasado asi que he retomado escribir aqui para recordar cosas bonitas. Una de esas cosas es mi cumpleaños 31. La verdad no celebre tanto este año pero mis amigos me llevaron a un rancho de alpacas. Fue realmente bonito ir y conocer alpacas.
Aproveche para vestir lolita y al fin estrenar mi amado vestido de CuteQ. Lamentablemente la marca cerro este año y esta fue la ultima pieza que adquiri de ellos.
Alpaquita Ranch se encuentra ubicada en USA, cerca de Raymondville a hora y media de mi ciudad, asi que cruze la zona fronteriza y despues de comer, fuimos rumbo a nuestro destino.
For a while I had forgotten to write here, but for a while, I have been forgetting good things that have happened to me so I have resumed writing here to remember nice things. One of those things is my 31st birthday. I didn’t really celebrate that much this year but my friends took me to an alpaca ranch. It was really nice to go and meet alpacas.
I took the opportunity to wear lolita and finally wear my beloved CuteQ dress. Unfortunately the brand closed this year and this was the last piece I bought from them.
Alpaquita Ranch is located in the USA, near Raymondville, an hour and a half from my city, so I crossed the border area and after lunch, we headed to our destination.
Te rentan la alpaca por una hora y después de ahí puedes quedarte en el lugar todo lo que tu quieras.
Tienen distintos spots para tomarte fotografías y videos y un pequeño bar si quieres beber algo al igual que souvenirs.
They rent you the alpaca for an hour and after that you can stay there as long as you want.
They have different spots to take pictures and videos and a small bar if you want something to drink as well as souvenirs.
Dress and Headress: CuteQ
Blouse, Socks, Shoes: Offbrand
Gracias por leer! nos leemos en la siguiente
The good thing about writing is remembering the good moments later on when you read your blogposts or diary/journal ^^ I never imagined that there could be an alpaca ranch, this is lovely! And matches your nickname perfectly heheheh
This dress suits you super well, the print is adorable!
Feliz cumple 😉
Your coord is gorgeous!